024/365 Grass is always greener OR Everything on the internet is true
Day 24
It is winter, I should be in the snow, but I'm not. But I wish I was. So even when covered in snow, the grass is always greener!
At home, in NY, it is plenty cold to fire up a snow machine. I found some information on the internet that said it was cold enough in the Carolinas to make snow too. With a pressure washer at the current tempurature and dew point I should be able to make snow. But I couldn't. Made a lot of ice. Covered by jacket, the grass and the steps back into the house with ice. But not snow. Could other things on the internet be wrong too? Eagads!
Or it could be the water I was using was too warm, and not enough minerals to get the ice formation going quickly. I may give it another try with more hose to cool the water before hitting the nozzle. I may also look for a nozzle that is a lighter mist. Where there is a will there is a way. Then my grass can be white, which makes it greener!