013/365 Unseasonably warm, or Al Gore exhaling too much?

January 13, 2013  •  1 Comment

013/365  Unseasonably warm, or Al Gore exhaling too much?013/365 Unseasonably warm, or Al Gore exhaling too much?


Day 13

Went to Crabtee lake and wandered down the Black Creek greenway. I then ventured off the greenway down to the water's edge. Very pretty. Ducks resting out on the muddy silt bar. I was hoping to see some other birds, but as I say - you can't have too many duck pictures. I really like the tall grasses growing here, swaying in a gentle breeze.

There were people all over again today because it was so warm. I figure the warmth was from Al Gore's heavy breathing being all excited over all the oil money he received last week. But hey, it takes big bucks to keep your awards polished. Then again, maybe it is W's fault. Yeah, thats it. D that W.  The other thing I noticed was the lack of ice, and not a single polar bear!  It is January.  Winter. Winter should mean snow and ice.  Snow and ice means polar bears. Any idiot knows that.  Must be due to man-caused climate change. What other explanation is there? 


Photo info: Standard shot with the 17-40.  Locked to tripod triggered with wired switch.  Always use the tripod and remote when I can. Rock solid platform. 

Lessons learned:  This area down by the water is more accessible than I thought.  In the spring and summer it looks more swampy, but I think I'll be able to get back in the spring when the birds are more active.  Can probably even get down there at sunrise when they are really busy.  I wonder if W would like to join me?



Marg Graves(non-registered)
Absolutely beautiful picture. Nice job karl.
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Ansel Adams

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