324/365 Third moon photo for the yearDay 324
Back to the moon. Or at least back to photographing the moon. I can't go back because I've never been there!
The moon is at 88% and waxing. You can still see some crater outlines, particularly on the lower left. But overall much flatter than the other prevous pictures of the moon when it was about 50% full. It was a nice clear calm night, so I just had to take one more shot.
Day 324
Back to the moon. Or at least back to photographing the moon. I can't go back because I've never been there!
The moon is at 88% and waxing. You can still see some crater outlines, particularly on the lower left. But overall much flatter than the other previous pictures of the moon when it was about 50% full. It was a nice clear calm night, so I just had to take one more shot.